Happy Paw is a mobile app that focuses on the user’s use of the app to help dog walkers for a price comparison site so that they can edit their settings from the mobile app.
Happy Paws Homepage includes the logo name and icon. It shows the Login button and signup button for access.
Sign in page
The sign-up page is where you can create an account by filling in your first and last name and email.
Profile Page
After you log in to the app it will lead you to your profile page. Where you can see your profile image, your name, and a description of yourself. You can toggle the button for you to edit Dog Breeds and Product prices.
Product Search Page
The product page is where the user can search for any product that is listed on the second product page.
Product Page 2
On the Product, the page is Organic foods, Treats, and Accessories for lower price and Highest prices.
Playful Breed has a list of breeds that are playful. There’s a small description of each dog's weighed and the years they can live.
Companion Breed has a list of breeds that are playful. There’s a small description of each dog's weighed and the years they can live.
Guard Breed has a list of breeds that are playful. There’s a small description of each dog's weighed and the years they can live.
Hunting Breed has a list of breeds that are playful. There’s a small description of each dog's weighed and the years they can live.
The map page is for the user to look for dogs that are close by so that they can rent the dog for a day or week.