BreatheRelief App

This app was based on a group project. I’m showcasing the 7 pages out of 20 pages. The BreatheRelief app educates the user on all disciplines of breathwork styles. BreatheRelief mission is to help people optimize their life through their lungs.

  • Create Account

    The Create Account page has three options 1. Click create account or 2. Sign in or 3. Continue as guest.

  • Account Settings

    If the user created an account it will lead them to this page where they can input their name, birth date, email, password, and add pronouns as well.

  • Sign Into Account

    Signing into an account allows you to input your email and password saved to log in.

  • Face ID Sign in

    User has an option to click “Face ID” instead of inputting their email and password before going to their session.

  • Fingerprint Sign In

    User has an option to click “Fingerprint” instead of inputting their email and password before going to their session.

  • Profile Account

    The user is able to see their history of using the app.

    Tracker icon- leads to the tracker page

    Progress- total days the user has been using the app along with the sessions that are provided.

    Goals to remind them what have they completed.

  • Goals Page

    The goals page is where the user is able to answer the questionnaire pop-up survey based on their goals. The goals will autosaved.


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